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You haven’t missed that our developer portal (developer.trafiklab.se) got a new and fresher look, right? And in addition to a welcome redesign, we have made the site easier and clearer to use.

Here are some of the changes we’ve made:

  • The language is English throughout. This way we meet the needs of users worldwide.
  • We’ve made it easier to create and manage new accounts, projects, and API keys. For example, you now get a “sandbox” project directly upon registration. This way you can get an API key to start testing with our data in just 4-5 clicks.
  • It is now possible to see how many calls that were made with an API key in the last 30 days.
  • Much better support for sharing projects in teams. This is perfect for companies and organizations where you want to be able to share keys with each other!
  • As informed of in our newsletter in July 2022, public project pages are now removed, but this doesn’t stop you from showing what you achieved with our data. Let us know if you would like to show your use case on our site.

You log in using your email and password. It is no longer possible to use the old usernames. Not using Trafiklab any longer and want to delete you profile? This can be done from your profile page after logging in.

Regards, Team Trafiklab

Image: Hal Gatewood, Unsplash