Historical GTFS-RT data now available
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For this year’s Christmas, Trafiklab is releasing the KoDa API. This API provides historical data from our GTFS Regional feeds, allowing you to analyse delays, traffic flow (for operators with vehicle positions), ridership (for operators with occupancy date), and more.
KoDa has been built by researchers at RiSE in cooperation with Trafiklab and Savantic. Documentation, as well as a Swagger API definition, are available on Trafiklab. Over time, we hope to publish some example Jupyter Notebooks showing how you can analyse historical data in python.
Data is being stored continuously, and is always available from the next day. The first realtime data dates back to February 2020. If you need data ranging further back in time, we still have GTFS Sverige 2 historic data which goes back to 2012.
All details about the new KoDa API can be found here: https://trafiklab.se/api/trafiklab-apis/koda/. If you have any more questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected], or to open a support issue at support.trafiklab.se.
Regards, Team Trafiklab