Read more about what’s happening at Trafiklab, as well as news regarding API’s and open data in public transport.
Upcoming improvements to our GTFS Regional, GTFS Sweden 3 feeds
Starting February 11th, all GTFS Regional feeds, as well as the GTFS Sweden 3 feed, will be updated to include additional data. A first improvement, affecting both GTFS Regional and GTFS Sweden 3, is the addition of more detailed booking information for trips which need to be booked beforehand.

Samtrafiken Sales data available on Trafiklab
A new dataset has been added to Trafiklab. This dataset, Samtrafiken Sales data, is a dataset in the NeTEx format containing all traffic which can be sold through the Samtrafiken Access platform.

SL Transport API replaces Departures v4
After almost eight years, SL replaces the Stops and Lines v2 and Departure v4 APIs with 1 new API which combines the features of these two. The SL Transport API is built from the ground up on new back-end systems, which should improve system stability and simplify the old architecture which consisted of 7 APIs.

Changes to SL Stop lookup
The API SL Stop lookup is going to get some fresh updates. You will still be able to use your current API-key but you need to switch to the new URL before March 15th 2024.

Changes to Trafikverkets Open API Datasets
On January 31, 2024, the WeatherStation dataset will be removed from the Open API. Users currently utilizing this dataset are advised to switch to using either WeatherMeasurepoint or WeatherObservation.

Check out our new developer portal
You haven’t missed that our developer portal ( got a new and fresher look, right? And in addition to a welcome redesign, we have made the site easier and clearer to use.

Occupancy data for Östgötatrafiken now available
Starting on the 14th of December 2022, occupancy data is available for Östgötatrafiken. This data is included in the realtime vehicle positions, and shows the realtime occupancy on those vehicles which are equipped with the necessary hardware.
Realtime data for Kronoberg Länstrafik now available
Starting on the 10th of October 2022, realtime data is available for Kronoberg. You are now able to download realtime feeds including information messages, delay estimates, and realtime vehicle positions in both the GTFS and NeTEx format.
Resrobot version 2.0 shut down
After a 6 months migration period, we are now shutting down version 2.0 of the Resrobot API. The majority of all users have made the required changes to their applications, and will therefore not notice a thing.

SIRI data available
Starting today, June 21st 2022, realtime data is available in the SIRI format as part of our NeTEx Regional data. This dataset is based on the same data as the GTFS Regional Realtime dataset, and enables you to combine realtime data with our existing NeTEx data.
Webinar with Samtrafiken, Swiftly and Skånetrafiken
How data can improve the traveller experience

Realtime data for Västmanland Länstrafik now available
Starting on the 10th of March 2022, realtime data is available for Västmanland. You are now able to download realtime feeds including information messages, delay estimates, and realtime vehicle positions in both the GTFS and NeTEx format.
Resrobot update 2.1 with breaking changes
Our Resrobot API has got a well deserved update! After more than 6 years with Resrobot 2.0, Resrobot 2.1 is now available. This maintenance update is focussed on updates to the platform back-end and fixes multiple bugs.

Historical GTFS-RT data now available
For this year’s Christmas, Trafiklab is releasing the KoDa API. This API provides historical data from our GTFS Regional feeds, allowing you to analyse delays, traffic flow (for operators with vehicle positions), ridership (for operators with occupancy date), and more.

Trafiklab website update
Today we launch our new website, along with new API documentation. We hope you find this new site an improvement. The need for something new Over time, Trafiklab grew, getting more APIs, more users, and important for this update, more documentation.

Occupancy data in GTFS Regional
In the past month we have started publishing new data in the GTFS Regional Realtime dataset. This new data shows the occupancy on public transport vehicles in realtime, which adds opportunities and enables use-cases which were not possible before.

Operator data in GTFS Regional
In the coming days we will start publishing new data in the GTFS Regional dataset. This new data will show which operator is servicing each trip, which adds opportunities and enables use-cases which were not possible before.

Skånetrafiken API shutting down, ResRobot affected
On March 31st Skånetrafiken will be shutting down their realtime API. As Resrobot Stolptidtabeller uses this API, this means that realtime information for Skånetrafiken will no longer be present in the ResRobot Stolptidtabeller data.
SL Vehicle positions in GTFS Regional
In the coming days we will start publishing vehicle positions for SL (Stocksholms lokaltrafik) in the GTFS Regional dataset. This means that all operators which provide realtime will support both TripUpdates, ServiceAlerts and VehiclePositions.

National coverage for the GTFS Regional and NeTEx Regional APIs
From today our GTFS Regional and NeTEx Regional APIs contain data for all 21 regions in Sweden. Whether it’s a route-planner, analytics tool, or digital signage you’re building, our Regional APIs have you covered with high quality data.
New SL API ”Public transport information Region Stockholm” replacing today’s 7 SL APIs at Trafiklab
The new SL API has been delayed to Q1 2021. We will update you when we know more. SL launched its first open APIs in 2014 and today there are 7 APIs with a functionality that has gradually been extended.

Changes to the GTFS Regional API
The Regional APIs will soon be stable. However, before we can release them as stable, we need to make a last change to the URL structure.
Savea ticket api stängs ner
Under Trainhack den 25-27 oktober lanserade Savea ett öppet försäljnings-API för de aktörer som använder företagets bokningsplattform. Denna API kommer inte längre finnas på Trafiklab nu att Savea har bestämd att göra den till en internt API, på grund av att Savea vill göra stora förändringar samt att användningsnivån av denna publika API var mindre än förväntad.
Savea ticket api lancering
During Trainhack on 25-27 October, Savea launched an open sales API for operators using the company’s booking platform. Savea provides a booking platform and currently has mainly express bus companies as customers.