Developing with Trafiklab
Best practices

Combining data and APIs
Most of our APIs and datasets are based on different databases and systems, which results in different ids. However, some datasets can be combined.

Example solutions
Want to see what you can do with open data? We have some example solutions, showing you, among other things, how you can set up your own voice assistant to tell you when the next train leaves, or how to build a timetable from GTFS.

Our SDKs and libraries
If you’re using PHP, you’re lucky! We developed open-source SDKs which offer those 3 features, both for the ResRobot and SL APIs. They are interchangeable, meaning your code doesn’t need any modification to change the data source.

The protobuf file format
How to use binary protocol buffer files in your application

The right data for your project
Creating a map with travel times When creating a map with travel times from one stop to different places, also known as an isochrone map, you need to make hundreds till even tens of thousands of API calls.