Swiftly is a big-data and insights platform designed to help improve operational efficiency and service reliability in the public transport industry. The platform connects authorities, operators, and municipalities to improve passenger satisfaction and save costs. Since Swiftly is using data from Trafiklab, we were curious to find out more about this exciting and promising platform.

Two persons who are deeply involved in Swiftly are Marta Zamanillo, Senior Solutions Engineer and Joaquín Pena, International Sales Manager. Both have several years of experience from working with public transport authorities and operators and are passionate to improve public transportation with the help of technology. They told us that Swiftly is a great tool for public transport operators and authorities who wish to easily improve operational efficiency and service reliability. In short, with Swiftly, operators can achieve:
● Simple collaboration on real-time operations and historical analytics
● Increased punctuality by up to 40% by viewing and analyzing historical schedule adherence
● Quick analysis of data, since the tool gives a precise, down-to-the-second picture of the whereabouts of every vehicle in the network.
A slightly more concrete example of what the system can visualize is where vehicles are usually delayed due to traffic jams. With the help of that information, traffic planners can take congestion into account or plan around it.
All together – Swiftly can really improve the passenger experience.
Swiftly has been present in the Swedish market since 2020 and is already partnering with Skånetrafiken and X-trafik. In addition to its customers, they are working with several Nordic Authorities and operators like Oulu in Finland and Strætó in Iceland.

How did your cooperation with Trafiklab start?
“We met with two co-workers from Samtrafiken’s dedicated Trafiklab team at the InformNorden conference in Stockholm at the end of 2018. That was the starting point for our cooperation. We started integrating data in 2019” Joaquin tells us.
We asked Marta and Joaquin about the connection between Swiftly and Trafiklab, and what Trafiklab has meant for the positive development and progress for Swiftly.
“Trafiklab makes things easier for Swiftly. Having access to data is the key for Swiftly to generate the insightful analytics and accurate real-time information that is needed by our customers. The data in Trafiklab is accessible and robust” says Marta.
Trafiklab is not the only data source for Swiftly. Some data is collected directly from the customers. According to Marta, the benefits of collecting data from an open data platform like Trafiklab are huge.
“There is a dedicated team behind the Trafiklab platform that we can contact, which also guarantees the data’s quality and stability. In case of an outage, we can communicate quickly and get notifications of any changes. We also know that when there is a new timetable going live, the right data set will always be available. This comfort makes it easier for us to build trust and confidence with our customers.”

Finally, is there anything you would ask for from Trafiklab to develop your service even further?
“Well, access to more data is always interesting. We would be interested in blocks in the regional static data GTFS file as well as crowding information in real-time in the GTFS-rt feed. We would also advocate for public transport authorities to share vehicles positions” says Marta.
Release year: Founded in 2014, entered the Swedish market 2020.
Type of service: Big-data and insights platform helping to improve efficiency, punctuality, and service reliability.
Data from Trafiklab: GTFS regional data is collected daily and real-time positions continuously.
Number of users: Swiftly is used in more than 120 cities, in eight countries and four continents. There are about 9000 users worldwide, with 250 users in Sweden.