What does each GTFS file contain

The content below is based on the official GTFS Specification, developed by the GTFS community and published at https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs/reference/.

We modified the version below to describe the feeds published by Trafiklab. Fields and files that are not included in any Trafiklab feed are not described below. For the latest version or in case of conflict, refer to the official documentation.

  • In the tables below, the column ‘available in dataset’ will be bold if the field is always present and not bold if it is not always present.


Field NameTypeAvailable in datasetDescription
agency_idIDAllUniquely identifies a transit agency. Note that in some cases, such as when a single agency operates multiple separate services, agencies and brands are distinct. This document uses the term “agency” in place of “brand”. A dataset may contain data from multiple agencies.
agency_nameTextAllFull name of the transit agency.
agency_urlURLAllURL of the transit agency.
agency_timezoneTimezoneAllTimezone where the transit agency is located. If multiple agencies are specified in the dataset, each has the same agency_timezone.
agency_langLanguage codeAllPrimary language used by this transit agency
agency_fare_urlURLGTFS RegionalURL of a web page that allows a rider to purchase tickets or other fare instruments for that agency online

The following excerpt gives some example values for the different fields.

3141010000000001001,Västtrafik Göteborgsområdet AB Lokaltrafik AB,https://www.resrobot.se/,Europe/Stockholm,sv
4141010000651668112,MTR Express (Sweden) AB,https://www.resrobot.se/,Europe/Stockholm,sv


Field NameTypeAvailable in datasetDescription
route_idIDAllIdentifies a route.
agency_idID referencing agency.agency_idAllAgency for the specified route. This field is required when the dataset provides data for routes from more than one agency in agency.txt, otherwise it is optional.
route_short_nameTextAllShort name of a route. This will often be a short, abstract identifier like “32”, “100X”, or “Green” that riders use to identify a route, but which doesn’t give any indication of what places the route serves. Either route_short_name or route_long_name must be specified, or potentially both if appropriate.
route_long_nameTextAllFull name of a route. This name is generally more descriptive than the route_short_name and often includes the route’s destination or stop. Either route_short_name or route_long_name must be specified, or potentially both if appropriate.
route_typeEnumAllIndicates the type of transportation used on a route.
route_urlURLNoneURL of a web page about the particular route. Should be different from the agency.agency_url value. Not used.
route_descTextGTFS RegionalDescription of a route that provides useful, quality information. Should not be a duplicate of route_short_name or route_long_name.

The GTFS standard defines 9 route_types, but all Trafiklab feeds make use of extended route types. Check the feed-specific documentation for examples.

The following excerpt shows some example values.



Field NameTypeAvailable in datasetDescription
route_idID referencing routes.route_idAllIdentifies a route.
service_idID referencing calendar.service_id or calendar_dates.service_idAllIdentifies a set of dates when service is available for one or more routes.
trip_idIDAllIdentifies a trip.
trip_headsignTextGTFS Sverige 2Text that appears on signage identifying the trip’s destination to riders. Use this field to distinguish between different patterns of service on the same route. If the headsign changes during a trip, trip_headsign can be overridden by specifying values for the stop_times.stop_headsign.
trip_short_nameTextGTFS Sverige 2Public facing text used to identify the trip to riders, for instance, to identify train numbers for commuter rail trips. If riders do not commonly rely on trip names, leave this field empty. A trip_short_name value, if provided, should uniquely identify a trip within a service day; it should not be used for destination names or limited/express designations.
direction_idEnumGTFS RegionalIndicates the direction of travel for a trip. This field is not used in routing; it provides a way to separate trips by direction when publishing time tables. Valid options are: 0 - Travel in one direction (e.g. outbound travel). 1 - Travel in the opposite direction (e.g. inbound travel).
shape_idID referencing shapes.shape_idGTFS RegionalIdentifies a geospatial shape describing the vehicle travel path for a trip.

The following excerpt shows what a trips.txt file can look like:

This example doesn’t include a headsign, which means descriptions must be obtained from a higher lever (route) or lower level (stop time).


A stop time is a certain trip picking up or dropping of passengers at a certain stop, at a certain time.

Field NameTypeAvailable in datasetDescription
trip_idID referencing trips.trip_idAllIdentifies a trip.
arrival_timeTimeAllArrival time at a specific stop for a specific trip on a route. If there are not separate times for arrival and departure at a stop, enter the same value for arrival_time and departure_time. For times occurring after midnight on the service day, enter the time as a value greater than 24:00:00 in HH:MM:SS local time for the day on which the trip schedule begins.

Scheduled stops where the vehicle strictly adheres to the specified arrival and departure times are timepoints. If this stop is not a timepoint, it is recommended to provide an estimated or interpolated time. If this is not available, arrival_time can be left empty. Further, indicate that interpolated times are provided with timepoint=0. If interpolated times are indicated with timepoint=0, then time points must be indicated with timepoint=1. Provide arrival times for all stops that are time points. An arrival time must be specified for the first and the last stop in a trip.
departure_timeTimeAllDeparture time from a specific stop for a specific trip on a route. For times occurring after midnight on the service day, enter the time as a value greater than 24:00:00 in HH:MM:SS local time for the day on which the trip schedule begins. If there are not separate times for arrival and departure at a stop, enter the same value for arrival_time and departure_time. See the arrival_time description for more details about using timepoints correctly.

The departure_time field should specify time values whenever possible, including non-binding estimated or interpolated times between timepoints.
stop_idID referencing stops.stop_idAllIdentifies the serviced stop. All stops serviced during a trip must have a record in stop_times.txt. Referenced locations must be stops, not stations or station entrances. A stop may be serviced multiple times in the same trip, and multiple trips and routes may service the same stop.
stop_sequenceNon-negative integerAllOrder of stops for a particular trip. The values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive.

Example: The first location on the trip could have a stop_sequence=1, the second location on the trip could have a stop_sequence=23, the third location could have a stop_sequence=40, and so on.
stop_headsignTextGTFS RegionalText that appears on signage identifying the trip's destination to riders. This field overrides the default trips.trip_headsign when the headsign changes between stops. If the headsign is displayed for an entire trip, use trips.trip_headsign instead.

A stop_headsign value specified for one stop_time does not apply to subsequent stop_times in the same trip.
ℹGTFS Regional specifies the stop_headsign for each stop
pickup_typeEnumAllIndicates pickup method. Valid options are:

0 or empty - Regularly scheduled pickup.
1 - No pickup available.
2 - Must phone agency to arrange pickup.
3 - Must coordinate with driver to arrange pickup.
drop_off_typeEnumAllIndicates drop off method. Valid options are:

0 or empty - Regularly scheduled drop off.
1 - No drop off available.
2 - Must phone agency to arrange drop off.
3 - Must coordinate with driver to arrange drop off.
shape_dist_traveledNon-negative floatGTFS RegionalActual distance travelled along the associated shape, from the first stop to the stop specified in this record. This field specifies how much of the shape to draw between any two stops during a trip. Must be in the same units used in shapes.txt. Values used for shape_dist_traveled must increase along with stop_sequence; they cannot be used to show reverse travel along a route.

Example: If a bus travels a distance of 5.25 kilometers from the start of the shape to the stop,shape_dist_traveled=5.25.
timepointEnumGTFS RegionalIndicates if arrival and departure times for a stop are strictly adhered to by the vehicle or if they are instead approximate and/or interpolated times. This field allows a GTFS producer to provide interpolated stop-times, while indicating that the times are approximate. Valid options are:

0 - Times are considered approximate.
1 or empty - Times are considered exact.
Stop_times.txt is usually the largest file in a GTFS feed. Depending on the hardware and programming language, it can be computationally intensive to read all the data. Make sure you read this file in an efficient way (for example by caching data, not reading the entire file into memory, …).

The following excerpt shows some stop_times from a GTFS Regional feed.

2        141010000961947846,08:30:00,08:30:00,9022014017767002,1,Borås,3,1,0,1
3        141010000961947846,08:32:00,08:32:00,9022014017513002,2,Borås,3,3,794,1
4        141010000961947846,08:32:51,08:32:51,9022014017516002,3,Borås,3,3,1071,0
5        141010000961947846,08:34:27,08:34:27,9022014017568002,4,Borås,3,3,1620.12,0


Field NameTypePresentDescription
stop_idIDAllIdentifies a stop, station, or station entrance. The term “station entrance” refers to both station entrances and station exits. Stops, stations or station entrances are collectively referred to as locations. Multiple routes may use the same stop.
stop_nameTextAllName of the location. Use a name that people will understand in the local and tourist vernacular. When the location is a boarding area (location_type=4), the stop_name should contains the name of the boarding area as displayed by the agency. It could be just one letter (like on some European intercity railway stations), or text like “Wheelchair boarding area” (NYC’s Subway) or “Head of short trains” (Paris’ RER).
stop_latLatitudeAllLatitude of the location. Conditionally Required:
Required for locations which are stops (location_type=0), stations (location_type=1) or entrances/exits (location_type=2).
• Optional for locations which are generic nodes (location_type=3) or boarding areas (location_type=4).
stop_lonLongitudeAllLongitude of the location. Conditionally Required:
Required for locations which are stops (location_type=0), stations (location_type=1) or entrances/exits (location_type=2).
• Optional for locations which are generic nodes (location_type=3) or boarding areas (location_type=4).
location_typeEnumAllType of the location:
0 (or blank): Stop (or Platform). A location where passengers board or disembark from a transit vehicle. Is called a platform when defined within a parent_station.
1: Station. A physical structure or area that contains one or more platform.
2: Entrance/Exit. A location where passengers can enter or exit a station from the street. If an entrance/exit belongs to multiple stations, it can be linked by pathways to both, but the data provider must pick one of them as parent.
parent_stationID referencing stops.stop_idGTFS Regional onlyDefines hierarchy between the differentlocations defined in stops.txt. It contains the ID of the parent location, as followed:
Stop/platform (location_type=0): the parent_station field contains the ID of a station.
Station (location_type=1): this field must be empty.
Entrance/exit (location_type=2) or generic node (location_type=3): the parent_station field contains the ID of a station (location_type=1)
platform_codeTextGTFS Regional onlyPlatform identifier for a platform stop (a stop belonging to a station).
49021014016118000,Surte kyrka,57.831229,12.013882,1,,


Field NameTypePresentDescription
service_idIDAllUniquely identifies a set of dates when service is available for one or more routes. Each service_id value can appear at most once in a calendar.txt file.
mondayEnumAllIndicates whether the service operates on all Mondays in the date range specified by the start_date and end_date fields. Note that exceptions for particular dates may be listed in calendar_dates.txt. Valid options are: 1 - Service is available for all Mondays in the date range. 0 - Service is not available for Mondays in the date range.
tuesdayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Tuesdays
wednesdayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Wednesdays
thursdayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Thursdays
fridayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Fridays
saturdayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Saturdays.
sundayEnumAllFunctions in the same way as monday except applies to Sundays.
start_dateDateAllStart service day for the service interval.
end_dateDateAllEnd service day for the service interval. This service day is included in the interval.
Trafiklab feeds use the calendar.txt file to define the periods during which lines are operated/valid. The actual operating days are defined in calendar_dates.txt.


Field NameTypePresentDescription
service_idID referencing calendar.service_id and trips.service_idAllIdentifies a set of dates when a service exception occurs for one or more routes. Each (service_id, date) pair can only appear once in calendar_dates.txt if using calendar.txt and calendar_dates.txt in conjunction. The information in calendar_dates.txt modifies the service information specified in calendar.txt
dateEnumAllDate when service exception occurs.
exception_typeEnumAllIndicates whether service is available on the date specified in the date field. Valid options are:

1 - Service has been added for the specified date.
2 - Service has been removed for the specified date.

Example: Suppose a route has one set of trips available on holidays and another set of trips available on all other days. One service_id could correspond to the regular service schedule and another service_id could correspond to the holiday schedule. For a particular holiday, the calendar_dates.txt file could be used to add the holiday to the holiday service_id and to remove the holiday from the regular service_id schedule.


Field NameTypePresentDescription
shape_idIDGTFS RegionalIdentifies a shape.
shape_pt_latLatitudeGTFS RegionalLatitude of a shape point. Each record in shapes.txt represent a shape point used to define the shape.
shape_pt_lonLongitudeGTFS RegionalLongitude of a shape point.
shape_pt_sequenceNon-negative integerGTFS RegionalSequence in which the shape points connect to form the shape. Values must increase along the trip but do not need to be consecutive.
shape_dist_traveledNon-negative floatGTFS RegionalActual distance traveled along the shape from the first shape point to the point specified in this record. Used by trip planners to show the correct portion of the shape on a map. Values must increase along with shape_pt_sequence; they cannot be used to show reverse travel along a route. Distance in kilometres.


Field NameTypePresentDescription
from_stop_idID referencing stops.stop_idAllIdentifies a stop or station where a connection between routes begins. If this field refers to a station, the transfer rule applies to all its child stops.
to_stop_idID referencing stops.stop_idAllIdentifies a stop or station where a connection between routes ends. If this field refers to a station, the transfer rule applies to all child stops.
transfer_typeEnumAllIndicates the type of connection for the specified (from_stop_id, to_stop_id) pair. Valid options are:

0 or empty - Recommended transfer point between routes.
1 - Timed transfer point between two routes. The departing vehicle is expected to wait for the arriving one and leave sufficient time for a rider to transfer between routes.
2 - Transfer requires a minimum amount of time between arrival and departure to ensure a connection. The time required to transfer is specified by min_transfer_time.
3 - Transfers are not possible between routes at the location.
min_transfer_timeNon-negative integerAllAmount of time, in seconds, that must be available to permit a transfer between routes at the specified stops. The min_transfer_time should be sufficient to permit a typical rider to move between the two stops, including buffer time to allow for schedule variance on each route.
from_trip_idID referencing trips.trip_idAllIdentifies a trip where a connection between trips starts. If empty, this rule applies for all trips.
to_trip_idID referencing trips.trip_idAllIdentifies a trip where a connection between trips ends. If empty, this rule applies for all trips.