GTFS Datasets
GTFS at Trafiklab At Trafiklab, we offer three GTFS feeds. GTFS Sverige 2 which includes information for entire Sweden GTFS Regional which consists of multiple GTFS feeds, each of which covers an operator in Sweden
GTFS Sverige 2
GTFS Sverige 2 is a GTFS dataset which covers all public transport in Sweden. GTFS Sverige 2 is our national feed. What does this dataset contain?
GTFS Regional
GTFS regional is a set of GTFS feeds of high quality, with realtime data and even realtime GPS positions on vehicles for some operators. This dataset contains high quality detailed data, both static and real-time, in the GTFS format.
GTFS Sweden 3
GTFS Sweden 3 is a high quality GTFS feed containing most of the public transport data of Sweden. This dataset contains high quality detailed data, both static and real-time, in the GTFS format.